A Baptist Landmark among the Choctaw’s in Smithville, OK.
The History of Indian Mission Baptist Church
Indian Mission Baptist Church was started as Indian Baptist mission near Smithville, OK in 1969 by Bro. Josh Harjo. Brother Josh and Sister Ramona for some time had carried a burden for the Choctaws in southeastern Oklahoma. During their deputation the Harjo’s made frequent trips from Fort Worth, TX to different areas in the Choctaw Nation. With every trip and each visit it was clear that God was directing the Harjo’s to work among the spiritually desolate areas of southern Leflore and northern McCurtain Counties. On June 1, 1969 Josh and Ramona Harjo packed all of their belongings and moved with their five young children to Smithville.
The first service of the Indian Baptist Mission was held June 15, 1969. There were only seven in attendance (Josh, Ramona, and their five children).
Indian Baptist mission saw many souls saved during the first year and a half of ministry. The Lord blessed in such a way that lives were changed, families restored, and young men called to preach.
Many Indian and non-Indian, but mostly Indian, came to know the Lord the first year and a half. Among those firsts were Lendel McGee, Juanita Futrell, Jerry Bohanon, Silvena Bush, Carla Hopper, and Winfred Going.”
In spring of 1970 Indian Baptist mission was organized into a church by the authority of Calvary Baptist Church in Perry, Oklahoma, pastor W. W. Baker. The church was organized while they were still meeting in an old country house; some of the charter members were Jerry Bohanon, Juanita Futrell, Lendel McGee, Mike and Slivena Bush, Winfred Going, and Edna Mae Going. The church bought an acre of land 1 ½ miles east of Smithville on Highway 4. As the land was being cleared and improved an old brush arbor was built for the congregation to meet under. While meeting under the brush arbor God moved in some magnificent ways. During a two week revival the Lord saved 29 souls, of that number was some of the roughest drunks and bootleggers in town.
A foundation was poured and work began on a meeting house for Indian Baptist Church in fall of 1970. The men would work on the building when they were home or off from work. When the men couldn’t work on the church the ladies would take a saw or hammer in hand and continue the construction. Dedication of the building was held in June, 1971; two years from the very first service. A fellowship meeting on that day brought hundreds of people from all over the area; preachers and pastors from Oklahoma and Texas, and as far away as Tennessee.
Waymond Cooper became the first full time pastor of Indian Baptist Church, (affectionately called Indian Mission or Indian Baptist Mission) in the fall of 1972. Under the leadership of Pastor Cooper and working in close association with Missionary Josh Harjo, Indian Baptist Church was privileged to start three other churches in a relatively short amount of time and a forth one in the 1984. These works were started in Wright City, Talihina, Okmulgee, and later in Bethel Oklahoma.
The Heritage of Indian Mission Baptist Church
There are several men and churches that had an influence on Indian Mission Baptist Church, some directly and some indirectly.
The first was Dr. J. Frank Norris pastor of First Baptist Church, Fort Worth, TX and president of the Fundamentalist Baptist Bible Institute and Bible Baptist Seminary. Pastor Norris was a powerful, bold and courageous preacher. He taught and preached from the Authorized Version of the Bible. He believed in and taught; Salvation by free Grace, the local visible church, and confrontational evangelism. J. Frank Norris once said, “I would do anything to keep a man out of Hell.” Pastor Norris spent his life earnestly contending for and defending the faith, and preaching the gospel of the Grace of God to sinners. During his late ministry there were two men both of which sat under his teaching and preaching while attending the Bible Institute; Bro. Dan Tidwell and Bro. W. W. Baker.
In the early 1940’s Calvary Baptist Church in Grand Prairie, TX was started with the help of Dr. J. Frank Norris. In 1945, Dr. Oldham became the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Grand Prairie, Texas. After bro. Tidwell graduated from the Baptist Bible Institute he became the director of music at Calvary Baptist Church. It wasn’t long until God called Bro. Tidwell to start a church in Perry, Oklahoma. In the late 50’s early 60’s Calvary Baptist Church in Perry, OK was started under the authority of Calvary Baptist Church in Grand Prairie, TX. Pastor Tidwell was the first pastor of the church and saw several years of God blessing and building the church. The second pastor of Calvary Baptist in Perry, OK was Bro. W. W. Baker.
In 1967 Josh and Ramona Harjo joined Calvary Baptist Church in Perry, OK. They would remain members of this churh until God used the Harjo’s to start Indian Baptist mission in Smithville, OK. It was in the late winter or early spring of 1970 that Pastor Baker helped Bro. Harjo organize Indian Baptist Church with authority from Calvary Baptist Church.
The Heartbeat of Indian Mission Baptist Church
Since, 1970 Indian Mission Baptist Church has remained faithful to the Lord and to sound doctrine. We continue to carry on the heritage that is passed down to us from the Word of God. Our church is grateful for the influence and impact of men like Dr. J. Frank Norris, Pastor W. W. Baker, Missionary Josh Harjo, Pastor Waymond Cooper. We are thankful for our Pastor Brandon M. White, and his vision for our church. The Heartbeat of Indian Mission has always been and still is to glorify God. Indian Mission Baptist Church proudly, unapologetically, and earnestly contends for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” The church believes; in the verbal plenary inspiration of Scripture (that it is completely inerrant, infallible, and preserved for God’s people), in the local visible church as God’s ordained and established means to carry out the great commission, salvation by grace through faith not of works, the free offer of the Gospel to all men, among other doctrines. We believe in biblical separation, supporting missions, and confrontational evangelism. By God’s grace Indian Mission will be faithful until our Lord's return. Our burden is (and may it ever be); to exalt the Savior, edify saints, and evangelize sinners.
“Indian Mission Baptist Church has been a beacon of hope and a rallying point for Native American Christians and believers from all walks of life for over 50 years.”